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Optimal Living with Dr. Keiko & Dr. Sera

Season #1 Episode #8

Do you want to create harmony in your body, mind, and soul?

In this episode we cover:

+ Mind-body connection 

+ How the nervous system works 

+ The vibration of love 

+ The power of energy

+ Culture of healing

+ The power of breathing work

+ Morning routines 

+ Slowing down and happiness

+ How our belief system works

+ How to break patterns and integrate them fully

+ How the brain works

+ How the nervous system works

+ Why stories are so powerful

+ Where our belief comes from

+ How do you create a new beliefs system 

And so much more!!


Find something you love and do it every day

Move your body daily

Resources mentioned:

The Body Keeps Score

The Artist Way

Links + Social:

Follow and tag me in your IG story @brittnyking_

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If you got something out of this episode, I would love it if you spread the positive vibes with a friend via IG. Help me reach my goal is to create a positive ripple effect in our community!

If you took action after listening to this episode take a screenshot and tag me @brittnyking_ so I can thank you and send my love!!!