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say good bye to the hustle

hustle culture reinvent success Dec 29, 2022

As 2022 comes to a close, we can all agree that it's time we do things differently. 

I noticed in 2022 how busy everyone was, from family and friends to clients. There was always something going on.

I would fall into the busy trap, too, sometimes.

I started to catch myself saying: "I have such a busy day today," when my calendar was full. I would witness myself, and instead of saying busy day, I would say a fulfilling day or a full day. 

This "busyness" made me start to wonder. 

What are we all SO busy with all the time? 

Are we busy with the right things?

Only you get to decide that. 

The hustle culture might look glamorous, but that energy puts intense pressure on us. People want to make more money and think that working more is the answer, which is the exact thing causing more stress.

The problem? Being constantly busy doing everything for everyone but yourself has your calendar full but your soul empty and unfulfilled.

This energy makes you feel disconnected from your higher self and full potential.

The hustle culture impacts our mental, physical and spiritual health.

How can you tell if the hustle culture is impacting your mental health?

When you take a day off, do you feel guilty or have difficulty relaxing when you have extra time?

Do you feel like your boss expects you to hustle harder and you have to prove your value by doing more?

Maybe you are out of touch with your emotions and keep saying everything is fine (when it's not).

Or you're having a hard time focusing on your work, lose interest in things you once enjoyed, or don't even know what you're working towards each day. #whatsthepoint

Not only can this mentality harm your mental health, but also your physical health. It's no secret that chronic stress can affect your body over time.

You want to be in control of your success, and overworking is a way to feel in control, but it's just an illusion because what happens instead is your well-being suffers.

The good news is that it doesnt have to be this way. 

Here are three things you can do TODAY to stop the hustle

  1. Set boundaries: start saying no more often and protect your energy at all costs.
  2. Focus on your top priority: check in with your to-do list - is everything necessary? Is there anything on your list that's just for you? Focus your energy only on what's essential and get rid of the rest
  3. Take intentional rest: yes, that means without technology, and yes, rest is productive.

Saying goodbye to hustle culture 

No matter your goals, you don't have to give in to hustle culture. 

By prioritizing self-care and well-being, you can sustainably reach whatever success looks like for you. 

Sometimes hustle culture can seem unavoidable. Hustle culture overemphasizes self-reliance, but real success requires learning how to ask for help. So if you feel stuck, let's hop on a call and map out a plan to help you prioritize your well-being.

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